Notifying Victims

Typically, the phrase victim notification is used when a substantial amount of time has passed between when the assault occurred and when a criminal justice professional attempts to re-contact the survivor. 

We have a responsibility to conduct victim notifications in a way that avoids compounding trauma for survivors impacted by a previously unsubmitted or untested sexual assault kits. 

Communities and agencies are encouraged to create a victim notification protocol to determine how victim notifications will be completed on previously unsubmitted and untested sexual assault kits. 

SAKI has created Victim Notifications and Recommendations and Guidelines to help agencies and communities develop their victim notification protocol, as well as a sample copy that could be adopted or altered to fit communities or agencies needs. 


*The major decision for agencies or communities is determining which victims with previously unsubmitted and untested sexual assault kits will be notified of their case and test results. 

Will you adopt a notify-all approach, where all victims that had a previously unsubmitted sexual assault kit are notified that their kit was tested regardless if there was DNA found? 

Will you identify reasons for deciding why certain victims will or will not be notified? Some victim notification protocols base notification off results from testing, potential for prosecution or relevant legal action?